There are three Members of County Assembly nominated by the Speaker in consultation with political party leadership and with concurrence of the Legislature at the commencement of a new House. They are referred to as Members of the Speakerā€™s Panel and are entitled to exercise all the powers exircisable by the Deputy Speaker. At least one of the Members of the Panel must be from either gender.

The Deputy Speaker, who is elected by Members of the Assembly, is the Chairperson of this panel. Members of this panel assist the Speaker and his Deputy in presiding over legislative business at the plenary.

The panel is appointed for the tenure of the Assembly but may be replaced at the order of the Speaker in consultation with the Leaders of the noninating parties.

While presiding over an Assembly sitting, members of the Speakerā€™s Panel may call out MCAs on disorderly conduct and discipline them as per the provisions of the Standing Orders. They may also order that an Honourable Member withdraws from the House or any of its committees if in their opinion there are justifiable reasons to do so.

Ibrahim Swaleh (Deputy Speaker) Should be top on Speakerā€™s Panel List because he is the Chairman of the panel.


1.  Hon. Ibrahim Swaleh Deputy Speaker
2 Hon. Phillip Nzangi Member
3. Hon. Newton Kariuki Ndwiga Member
4. Hon. Susan Mwende Muthoni Member

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