Members’ Welfare

Mandate of Welfare Committee

  1. Investigate, inquire into, and report on all matters relating to the individual and collective welfare of the members of the County Assembly.
  2. Study the programmes and policy objectives of the County Assembly Service Board pertaining to members welfare and their effectiveness.
  3. Investigate and inquire into all matters relating to the general welfare of members as it may deem necessary and as may be referred to them by the County Assembly.
  4. Receiving and considering views of members on the services and facilities provided for their benefit and well-being.
  5. Make reports and recommendations to the County Assembly as often as possible including recommendation of proposed programmes and activities for the well-being of members.

The committee has produced the following reports:


1.         Hon. Maureen K. Nyaga Chairperson
2.        Hon. Paul Muchangi V/Chairperson
3.        Hon. Terry Mbuchi Member
4.        Hon. Maurice Macharia Member
5.        Hon. Muriithi Kiura Member
6.        Hon. Duncan Mbui Member
7.        Hon. Job Itumo Member

Second Assembly committee produced the following reports:


1 Hon. Kinyua Rose Ruguru Chairperson
2 Hon. Paul Muchangi Njiru   Vice Chairperson
3 Hon. Fredrick Mugendi Gatumu Member
4 Hon. Robert Njiru Ireri  Member
5 Hon. Sicily Ruguru Njiru Member
6 Hon. Mbui Duncan Ireri Member
7 Hon. Gatumu John Gichovi Member